JULIA ALLISON, "STAR" MAGAZINE: If I were the judge, I would take one look at $250 million and I`d go, "You`ve got to be (EXPLETIVE DELETED) kidding me. In it, the judge says her $250-million demand, quote, "is and was unreasonable, indeed, exorbitant." HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has for you the just revealed entire divorce decision that Heather Mills had got the court to block. JO PIAZZA, "NEW YORK DAILY NEWS": the judge said, in a very legalesey kind, nice way, "Oh my gosh, Heather Mills, you`re crazy pants." HAMMER: Now, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you why Heather Mills got less than a quarter of what she asked for. HAMMER: She tried to put a brave face on it but in the end, Heather Mills had to be disappointed in her divorce settlement from Paul McCartney. HEATHER MILLS, PAUL MCCARTNEY`S EX-WIFE: I`m so glad it`s over.

But first, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is bringing you the breaking new information about the showdown between Mills and McCartney. In just a moment I`ll be joined by Mills` brand new attorney Gloria Allred in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. And the same judge who gave Heather all that money slams her for everything from her spending to her behavior. Just one day after a judge gave Heather nearly $50 million in the divorce settlement, today we got our hands on the details of exactly what happened in court behind closed doors. HAMMER: But first tonight, brand new Paul McCartney-Heather Mills bombshells. I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you from Hollywood with brand new details of the mysterious Britney Spears-Mel Gibson get-togethers. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.ĪNDERSON: Hi there, everyone.

Is Sill Smith really becoming a Scientologist? Are Madonna and Guy Ritchie really on the express train to splitsville? And will we really see George Clooney back on "ER?" Tonight, the Showbiz Truth Squad breaks out the lie detector for the revealing moments of truth. Tonight, the Showbiz Truth Squad gets to the bottom of the biggest, most outrageous rumors in Hollywood. Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with the breaking Britney new that is will leave you breathless. Plus, yours first look at Britney`s new prime time role. Why in the world have they been secretly meeting? Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT goes digging to get to the bottom of the Britney-Mel mystery.

Brand new details about one of the oddest couples in Hollywood. HAMMER: On SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, breaking Britney news. TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now. Hammer in New York.īROOKE ANDERSON, CO-HOST: Heather Mills said she acted as Paul`s psychologist. HAMMER, CO-HOST: Brand new shocking details about Paul McCartney`s divorce. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.Ī.J. Shocking Details in the McCartney-Mills Divorce Brand New Details on the Britney Spears and Mel Gibson Get-Togethers George Clooney Engaged? The Real Score on Madonna and Guy Richie Star BFFs